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Device Discovery for Healthcare Environments

You can’t protect what you can’t see. Device discovery is foundational in protecting sensitive data — and in protecting the lives of patients.

The Healthcare Device Discovery Challenge

Healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) continually add CPS, such as connected medical devices, to their environment. Challenges that come with device discovery include:

Unknown Number of Devices

New devices are connected to an HDO’s network, often without proper authorization or configuration. This can lead to vulnerabilities and difficulty in monitoring the network for potential threats.

Incomplete Device Profiles

Manual routines used to onboard devices, manage their lifecycle, and locate them when they need preventative maintenance (PM) are time-sinks that result in data deficits and inaccuracies.

Use of General Security Solutions

There are many device types, differing manufacturers, and a mix of protcols located in healthcare environments. This makes it nearly impossible for a general-purpose security solution to accurately detect CPS anomalies and provide insight needed to respond appropriately.

How The Medigate Platform Tackles the Healthcare Device Discovery Challenge

Complete Visibility of Connected Devices

The Medigate Platform’s device discovery helps locate devices in the hospital with precision. With compatibility across unique device protocols, Medigate is able to fully interpret all CPS traffic  — allowing HDOs to, improve planning, and optimize operations.

Comprehensive and Accurate Device Profiles

The Medigate Platform provides over 100 unique device attributes that often go undocumented. Data-rich discovery and contextualized risk assessments give HDOs the most comprehensive and accurate device profiles — and eliminate time-consuming manual routines

Network Communication Mapping

With comprehensive tracking of device communications, The Medigate Platform enables policy enforcement, alerting, and visibility into the network. By providing the clinical domain expertise that general IoT solutions lack, HDOs can prioritize risk and ensure the appropriate protections are in place.

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